Category Archives: Cabaret

Hot Gay Time Machine

Hot Gay Time Machine banner

Hot Gay Time Machine at Trafalgar Studios 2 Where do I even begin in describing Hot Gay Time Machine? We meet Zak Ghazi-Torbati and Toby Marlow who decide to use the time machine that they have discovered to revisit ‘seminal’ moments in their lives. Amongst other scenes we see them coming out to their parents, in the boys locker room

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Liza Pulman sings Streisand

Liza Pulman

Liza Pulman Sings Streisand ‘Liza Pulman Sings Streisand’ does what it says on the tin. It doesn’t attempt to be a tribute show, an impersonation or a life story. Instead it is a talented singer performing some of Streisand’s classic songs as well as a few of the more unusual ones. It is shows like this that live or die on

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Anne Steele, Welcome to the Circus

Anne Steele

Anne Steele, Welcome to the Circus at The Crazy Coqs The Crazy Coqs is a wonderful venue. With a deliciously decadent feel, this hidden gem hosts an eclectic line-up of talent, attracting big names as well as newcomers to a fabulously intimate basement bar. With cabaret tables well-spaced around the relatively small stage area, audience members can feel that they

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West End Calling

West end calling

West End Calling West End Calling is a talent competition for those under 21. It offers these young performers a chance to perform in front of West End performers and get valuable feedback before ending up at the final at The Other Palace. I attended the Senior final. To get this far the finalists have already been through an audition,

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The Musical Marathon

Musical Marathon

The Musical Marathon. Last night I attended The Musical Marathon at The Other Palace. The purpose of the evening was to raise money for Paul Taylor-Mills London marathon effort for Terrence Higgins Trust. This is less of a review more of a ‘this is what you missed’ and hopefully a way to help direct those wishing to donate to the

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When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up – A Cabaret for the NSPCC When I Grow Up is a one night cabaret put on at Toulouse Lautrec in order to raise money for the NSPCC. It focused on songs from the musicals which revolved around childhood, sibling relationships, dating, parenthood and more. Organised and put together by Kate Vlietstra the song choices were unusual and

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Bette Midler and Me


Bette Midler and Me – Upstairs at the Gatehouse I saw Bette Midler and Me on Wednesday 23rd September. This is a show which essentially intertwines Bette Midler’s life with that of the star of the show, Sue Kelvin. We hear about Bette’s ups and downs, from the death of her sister to her stardom. At the same time we

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Jewish Legends


I attended Jewish Legends on the 9th September at Upstairs at the Gatehouse. It appears that review shows featuring Jewish artists are all the rage at the moment as I only attended ‘You Won’t Succeed On Broadway If you Don’t Have Any Jews,’ less than 2 weeks ago. The premise of the show is very simple – it look sat

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