Heathers…..The Not so Secret, Secret Gig!
Heathers….The Not so Secret, Secret Gig.
I was thrilled to be offered the chance to go to the launch event for Heathers on Tuesday the 5th of June. Hosted at The Other Palace where the show will be taking place, it was a short afternoon performance of some of the shows songs and a few words from the Director.
It was laid out very cabaret style with a piano and stage set up in the bar area. From the moment you walked in you were greeted with a glass of champagne and a wonderful atmosphere. There was such a buzz in the room about the show and lots of friendly faces. The cast were all out mingling from the beginning which was a lovely touch. Before the performances even started you could tell this was going to be something special…and that was not wrong.
Paul Taylor-Mills began the afternoon with wonderful witty banter, really setting the tone for a fun-filled afternoon. He then handed over to the Director of the show Andy Fickman. Andy was beaming with pride for this show and told us how he was so excited for everyone to finally see it. “It’s a world premier” he told us. “There is new songs and new scenes”. He was incredibly complimentary of the show and his cast and discussed how it was a “New invention of the show”. He told us how it starts with the movie and that was also key as original ‘Heather McNamara’ Lisanne Falk was there supporting the show.
Another important element of the show that Director Andy Fickman was keen to discuss was the choreography. Due to the layout of the venue they were unable to show us any movement but the several references to how wonderful it was made you excited to see what the show had in-store. With Gary Lloyd as the choreographer there is no doubt that the show is to be full of unique and creative routines! The writers of the book and music were also present supporting the launch, which only added to the atmosphere and love for the show in the room.
We then had three performances from the show. Starting off with the song the show recently released a video of ‘Candy Store’. Jodie Steele, T’Shan Williams and Sophie Isaacs belted the song out with a small support of three of the ensemble ladies. The clear enjoyment the girls have with that song made it a fun and vocally flawless performance. Steele in particular stood out for her strong character and vocal skill.
The next song performed was ‘Seventeen’ which when announced had the whole crowd melting before it had even began. This was done by star of the show Carrie Hope Fletcher and Jamie Muscato. Their voices were both beautiful but together they just fit. This combination of performers is clearly a winner! They then finished the launch with an entire cast number ‘Shine a Light’ lead by Rebecca Lock. It was an energetic, funny and beautifully sung. You could just the the pride on the casts faces for the show and the clear bong between them all.
If I was to give the launch a rating of starts it would be a high 5! It was a fantastic afternoon and the show is clear to be a success! Heathers The Musical is on at the The Other Palace from the 9th of June.
Tickets are selling fast so buy your tickets here. If you liked this write up you might also like the write up of the Strictly Ballroom launch, the Bat out of Hell launch and reviews of Eugenius and Chicago.
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