Cocktails At Home – Interval Drinks

With theatres being closed I’ve taken to creating my own stagey interval drinks. If you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my pictures of them over there but thought I’d share the pictures and recipes on here.

Welcome to The Liquor Store

This is dedicated to Heathers fans and each of their iconic costume colours.


1) Fill your glass with ice. I used a hurricane glass but it can be any long glass to get layers.

2) Fill the glass 2/3 with a shot of peach schnapps and orange juice.

3) Slowly pour in a shot of grenadine which should sink.

4) Pour into the top a shot of apple sourz.

Kinky Woo Woo.

This is one for all the Kinky Boots fans and is such an easy one to make.


1) One Shot of Vodka

2) One Shot of Peach Schnapps.

3) Add cranberry juice to taste.

4) I would then add it to a water bottle and pop in the freezer. When you are ready to drink it get it out and pop it in the fridge for 30min to it gets to the slush phase….. Pour into your glass of choice (I popped it in a martini glass but to be honest I think it would work in anything!) and enjoy.

Shrek Sourz

This one should probably come with a warning… is strong!!! I use a whiskey tumbler for this one.


1) Fill the glass with ice.

2) 1 shot of Apple Sourz

3) 1 Shot of Tequila

4) Half a shot of lime juice.

5) Fill it with lemonade, stir and enjoy!

Rainbow Paradise Cocktail:

I made this as June is pride months and I wanted to celebrate all of the musicals that had LGBTQ+ representation in them. I know that there is a long way to go but to all my LGBTQ+ friends know I stand with you.


I used a hurricane glass for this one – it does need to be a long glass to get the layers.

1) Add 25ml of grenadine to the glass.

2) Add ice.

3) Pre mix 50ml of Malibu and 100ml of pineapple and pour it in.

4) Pre-mix 25ml of blue caraco and 50ml of water and pour it in very slowly. The emphasis is on very slowly as the first time I did it I ended up with a middy colour as I poured it too quickly and it didn’t layer!

The Pink Lady

This one is dedicated to Elle Woods due to the very pink colour!


Add to a cocktail mixer:

1) 1 large measure of gin

2) 2 teaspoons of grenadine.

3) Add ice to the mixer and shake until it turns very cold. Strain to remove the ice.

4) Add in one egg white and continue to shake (the egg white gives you the frothy top. If you are vegan you can just skip this stage as it shouldn’t change the taste)

5) Pour into a martini glass.

Do let me now if you make any of these and which your favourite one is! One thing is for sure that they are cheaper than a theatre bar!

If you like my interval drinks post you might also like my post of stagey fun from home, West end musicals quiz and my top 10 lockdown cast videos.

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