Kerry Ellis & Louise Dearman – Concert Preview


So the night of the big Kerry Ellis and Louise Dearman concert is fast approaching! They hit the stage of the Prince Edward on Sunday the 27th September and I’m mega excited about it. I’ve been a massive fan of Kerry’s since I saw her as Meat in We Will Rock you and later as Elphaba in Wicked. I was also lucky enough to see her concert Anthems. I’m less familiar with Louise but have suitably YouTube stalked her and her resume is equally as impressive.

I was there on Good Friday, munching on hot cross buns for my breakfast when in between giggling fits they announced the concert and since then it hasn’t really left musical theatre fans dialogue. The story goes that Kerry and Louise met at summer school aged 15 before training together at Laine Theatre Arts however this is the first chance they have had to perform together since college.

In promoting the concert they have recorded this brilliant single which has helped the concert remain on our consciousnesses and even get a mention by Elaine Paige ….

As a huge fan of Smash (where the song is from) I massively approve of this song choice. It also gives us a hint of how these powerhouses are going to sound together! We have been told that songs will include the iconic female duet, I Know Him So Well from Chess, Tell Him (if the Whats On Stage rehearsal footage is anythign to go by), Natural Woman and of course something from Wicked (not the obvious number!!). They have promised something different that fans won’t have seen them before. Primarily they have stressed it will be fun!

My review of the concert itself will follow on here shortly so watch this space.


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