Scream Phone
As a child of the 90’s this show had me from the title. As a teenager who made my younger brother (I’m sorry Tony!!) play Dream Phone with me, I knew I simply had to see this musical before I even knew what it was about! I soon discovered that Scream Phone focused on 3 girls that were having a sleepover and one of them had just been gifted…..Dream Phone. Throughout the show the dream phone rang giving them clues as to who their crush was, however everything wasn’t quite as it seemed and the night quickly descended from dreams to screams!
Basing a show around a 90’s game for teenage girls means that the show can’t take itself too seriously. Luckily, from the off it poked fun at all things pop culture, horror movies but most of all itself. The 3 stars of the show were stereotypes that you find in a teen horror films, the pretty and self-obsessed one (Melody), the brainy one (Stacey) and the slutty one (Janice).
The cast embraced these stereotypes and ensured that not a single joke was underplayed let alone missed. Nastasha Granger played Melody, brilliantly egocentric, her hip constantly popped in a cheerleading pose and expressions so funny that you couldn’t help but watch her. Alexandera Lewis was the geeky Stacey with her head constantly in a book. It was therefore a brilliant moment when she let rip and sang her own version of ‘One Moment In Time,’ bringing the house down with her suprise powerhouse vocals. Finally Kerrie Thomason was the slutty and stupid Janice. She threw herself into the role, chewing on flavoured condoms and gyrating around a pottery wheel while making a clay penis….this girl knew how to commit to a character, no matter how ridiculous the demands.
The music for Scream Phone let 80’s cheese reign supreme, we were treated to their own versions of ‘Like A Virgin,’ ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ and many more….all with their own sprinkling of artistic licence when it came to the lyrics. All 3 of the cast members were not only accomplished comedy actresses but could sing and on occasion deliver blinding high kicks! These numbers were silly, failed to move the plot along but my god they were fun fun fun!
Scream Phone delivers exactly what you hope it would: a laugh out loud mickey take of American High School horror movies with a liberal dose of 80’s cheese thrown in for the perfect comedy musical.
PS Melody, Stacey and Janice….hands off Mr Muusical Theatre Musings (aka Ian) he is all mine (if you have seen the show you’ll know!!!
Scream Phone is on at Doonstairs, Gilded Balloon Patter House from 17:00 – 18:00. To find out more about Scream Phone and Swipe Right Theatre visit their website.
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