Showstopper! The Improvised Musical at Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Showstopper! The Improvised Musical.
Showstopper! The Improvised Musical – is a show where a brand new musical is created at every single performance. The M.C takes audience suggestions for settings, musical styles and show title at the start of each show and the company take these to create this new one night wonder.
On the night I saw it the show was set in a 1970’s body builder gym (after a close audience vote between that and a 24 hour news channel) and they were given the musical styles of Wicked, Hair, Hairspray, and Carousel with a bit of Hamilton and Oliver thrown in later. The show title was ‘Bi-ceptial’ – with all of these suggestions coming in from the audience. Sean McCann took on the role of the M.C/director at the performance I saw. He handled the audience well and tried to ensure that there was variety in the show by throwing in his own suggestions where necessary.
Whenever I see Showstopper! The Improvised Musical I am in awe of the cast and band. they come up with a plot on the fly, as well as songs and lyrics, choreography and always manage to work into the show the title in a funny way. Whilst some of the scenes may meander along under the watchful eye of McCann this is never allowed to continue for long before he moves the action along or inserts a song in a particular style.
There is a rotating cast of 18 and the cast I saw included Pippa Evans, Lauren Shearling, Adam Meggido, Justin Brett and others. All of the cast had strong voices which Pippa and Lauren in particular got a chance to show off. They worked together so smoothly to develop the show to the funny climax.
Showerstopper! The Improvised Musical are the improv group that everyone talks about and for good reason. With a cast that left me wondering just how they can create this content so quickly and feeling in awe of their improv ability it’s a unique experience that is well worth going out of your way to see.
Showstopper! The Improvised Musical runs until 26th August at The Pleasance Courtyard- The Grand. Times vary. Find out more about Showstopper! The Improvised Musical on their website.
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