Top 10 Musical Theatre Songs Sung By Mothers

With Mother’s Day approaching here is my Top 10 Musical Theatre songs sung by Mothers. Let me know if you agree!
10. Stay With Me From Into The Woods
Stay with me is sung by The Witch to her daughter Rapunzel when she learns that the Prince has been visiting her. In this song she tries to convince Rapunzel to stay sheltered from the world.
9. Mama Will Provide from Once on This Island
This song is sung by goddess Asaka to Ti Moune who has been separated from Daniel. This song provides reassurance to her that Mother Earth will provide everything she needs on her journey back to him, including practical tips, and protection.
8.So Big/So Small from Dear Evan Hansen
So Big/So Small is sung by Heidi, Evan’s mum to Evan. In this song she apologises to Evan for not always being there for him, confession her feelings of inadequacy and recalls the day that his father left them both, she ends the number by reassuring Evan that she isn’t going anywhere.
7.Everything Changes from Waitress
Everything Changes is performed by Jenna after she has given birth and is all about Jenna’s changed outlook on life since giving birth and touches on the hope that a newborn can give you, even during the toughest of times.
6. Slipping Through My Fingers from Mama Mia
Slipping Through My Fingers is sung by Donna, about her daughter Sophie. It comes as she is helping Sophie get ready for her wedding day.
5. Your Daddy’s Son from Ragtime
Your Daddy’s Son is sung by Sara who reflects on the fact that she nearly left her child for dead and begs them for forgiveness. She tries to explain her reasoning to her young child for what she did.
4. He’s My Boy from Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
He’s My Boy comes at a point in Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, when Jamie finds out that his mum, Margaret has been lying to him about the role his Dad has been taking. Jamie storms out leaving Margaret alone to sing about how she will always love her son no matter what.
3. I’d Give My Life For You from Miss Saigon
This song is sung by Kim, to her son Tam, and she is explicit in saying she would give up everything so he has an improved life and it foreshadows the tragedy that takes place in Act 2 for this mother and son duo.
2. The Letter from Billy Elliott
In the Letter Billy has been asked to bring something to class that inspires him and he brings a letter from his mum that she wrote to him before she died. During the song Billy, his mother and Mrs Wilkinson take turns reading out parts of the letter.
1.Tell Me It’s Not True from Blood Brothers
Tell Me It’s Not True is the final song of Blood Brothers, sung by Mrs Johnson immediately after she has witnessed her twin sons die in front of her as a result of the secret she has been keeping being revealed.
If you like this article you might also like my Top 10 Musical Theatre feel good songs, my top 10 female empowerment musical theatre songs and my post celebrating fathers of musical theatre. You might also like my article on who sang Tell Me It’s Not True the best!
My favourite is definitely He’s my boy from Everybody’s talking about Jamie. The words are so poignant and remind me of my relationship with my son